Survey Tool

He Rauemi Uiui mō te Mahinga Kaiako, Mahinga Kura, Mahinga Tumuaki

Teaching, School, and Principal Leadership Practices Survey Tool Terms of Use

Please read these terms of use before agreeing to them.


The purpose of the Teaching, School, and Principal Leadership Practices (TSP) Survey Tool: the teacher survey, principal survey, reports, and supporting information, is to provide your school with useful information for school inquiry, review, and development.

The tool is also designed to be useful for Kāhui Ako inquiry, review and development when used by member schools.

Towards the end of each year, data from all participating schools will be aggregated and NZCER will provide a national overview of strengths and needs across schools No individual teachers, principals, schools or Kāhui Ako will be identifiable in any reporting.

The Tool has been developed by NZCER on contract to the Ministry of Education.

Survey protocols

Schools that use the TSP Survey Tool agree to respect the anonymity of the survey respondents, and the right of teaching staff to freely opt into or out of completing their surveys without coercion.


Schools that use the TSP Survey Tool will receive school-level reports showing the grouped teacher survey responses, providing at least five teachers have completed the survey. Schools that have had three or four teachers complete the surveys will receive reduced reporting showing the median responses on a scale.

A second set of reports will be produced showing the principal response alongside the grouped teacher responses. Only the principal can access the reports with the principal data, and it is up to the school principal to share these reports at their discretion.

If a Kāhui Ako wants to use the TSP Survey Tool across its member schools then a Kāhui Ako-level set of reports will be produced. These reports contain aggregated results across all member schools. You will need to contact NZCER for these reports because it’s not part of the automated reporting within the tool. NZCER will ensure that all member schools have given permission for their data to be used in these reports before giving them to the Kāhui Ako leader.

NZCER will analyse the data from all participating schools to provide an aggregated national overview report of teaching practices, school practices, and principal leadership for the Ministry of Education and the sector. This report will not identify any individual person, school, or Kāhui Ako.

Grouped data will be used to:

  • report national patterns in the data
  • show any variance in the national patterns related to across type of school, socio-economic decile, school size, or Ministry of Education region,
  • analyse the performance of the survey questions, and
  • inform general research questions.

School administrator

The principal is required to register the school and then nominate someone in the school to act as a survey administrator (principals may nominate themselves). The school survey administrator will be responsible for facilitating the completion of the surveys in the school. This will include:

  • communicating the teacher registration link to all teaching staff
  • ensuring the security of the school administration password
  • starting and closing the survey period
  • being a first point of contact for any issues teaching staff experience
  • monitoring the survey completion rate; they will know how many teachers complete the surveys, but will not be able to see individual teacher responses from the survey, or who has completed the survey
  • downloading and printing the school reports.

Data storage and confidentiality

The data from survey responses is stored securely by NZCER on password-protected servers based in New Zealand. NZCER has the role of custodian of the data. Only NZCER can access the information and use it to provide school, Kāhui Ako and national reports. The data is kept confidential and is not released to any external agencies or individuals.

At no time will the identity of a school or an individual be made available by NZCER to anyone else. NZCER will only use school contact information to communicate with schools. No individual teacher’s survey responses will be identifiable in school-level reports. All personal information, including email addresses, are kept securely and will not be shared with any third party.

NZCER reserves the right to withhold any survey information that could potentially be used to identify a survey respondent (for instance, results from a small group of respondents).

Schools can request to have their data deleted from the server making it unavailable for any future reporting.

Any questions or feedback?

Please contact us at